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I am a thirty-something who probably should know better.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

It had been awfully quiet on the squirrel front...

For a variety of reasons: the chill in the air and certainly the wind had kept the small mob from being out and about when I was making my work. I've also been away from the office and the times I've been walking past the squirrels have been nowhere to seen.

I had begun to suspect that the squirrels were breaking into the library and logging onto the internet;  recognising themselves on this blog and had moved on. Hey, stranger things have happened.

Earlier in the week I struck squirrel jackpot, I was walking in earlier than normal and four out of the five were there, trying to look innocent.

This one had ventured across the way and was rootling around under the yew tree next to the guildhall. Trying to look busy as you can see.  I think he was just part of the advanced party setting up a tripwire or else he was taking steps to getting into local government.

On the usual side of the path the other three remained doing their thing again trying to look innocent.

I think it's pretty clear that the foraging is a cover and they are keeping surveillance on the humans that walk past. I think they are planning their own rodent revolution.
The kicker is the one squirrel who showed very little fear, this one was very close to the fence and was seemingly unconcerned about his photo being taken.

Outwardly it looks like the squirrel  is just enjoying the morning. Don't let that fool you, look at the eyes and ears he's alert listening for opportunities.

They've obviously been regrouping and thinking tactics.

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