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I am a thirty-something who probably should know better.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Where Squirrels dare

On my way into work each morning I pass the library and normally I spy several Squirrels loitering and generally menacing passers by. Mugging them for their chips and generally acting like little grey hoodies. They seem to hang around in a gang, the most I've seen in one go is five but most days I see between two and four of them glaring at passers by and checking their stashes. One morning I saw all five with four at the cardinal compass points presumably worshipping the yew tree, with the fifth doing the high priest role.

Friday morning, I took my usual route past the library and there were four of the brutes seemingly going about their business when all hell broke lose. Squirrrels sprinting everywhere. A couple zoomed up the yew tree and whilst one of the others launched itself rather comedically into a rather small holly bush, the remaining one went a bit mental doing a kind of wall of death around the library's garden perimeter.

I had a bit of a look to see if I could identify what had set the blighters off but no external threat was spotted. Normally they watch you pass with a kind of beady eyed reproach or they get on with their business. Humans are their entertainment, they certainly don't seem to fear them.

I am sure that the squirrels are up to something and I shall be monitoring them more closely from now on.

Up to something? I think so!

This blog is going to record the comings and goings of the squirrels who live outside the library in Wrexham and maybe prone to flights of my imagination...

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